If we lose to BYU

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oxpatchreb wrote:
darkcoug wrote:
Hi there Rebs,
Just wanted to give you some perspective on BYU. Would love to hear some perspective on Ol' Miss from you as well.

BYU will be at LEAST a two touchdown favorite to beat ya'll in Mississippi. We are a program with tradition and honor unlike any you've likely played before. We fancy ourselves the "Notre Dame of the West" and our success is clearly visible in our program's history - one which has shaped the face of college football more than any other college I can think of.

We won our first national title in 1984 and our second is likely to happen this year in 2011. Our only real test will come at Texas the week after beating Ol' Miss. I'm confident we'll lead the team to victory that day and the rest of the season sets up for the national title run. There's been a lot of talk about going undefeated this year and I believe that it will happen.
Reb fans, please ignore the above Ute poster. This guy visits all our opponents boards and tries to stir the pot pretending to be an arrogant BYU fan. As you can see, he's not even very good at masking it. Its sad with the success Utah has had in recent years that a good portion of Utah's fanbase is still made up of BYU haters rather than actual fans of Utah.

Looking forward to a good game and the atmosphere at Oxford. Go Cougs!

Sadly, we know EXACTLY what you're dealing with. In our neck of the woods, we call them Arkansas fans. Obsessed, drooling, slack jawed, mouth breathing, knuckle headed, underoos wearing, basement dwelling, goober picking, short bus riding, dirt eating, inbred trash. I hate that you classy folks have to deal with a fanbase like that. I was kind of hoping that Arkansas had that wrapped up so the rest of the country could forge ahead into the future sans breeding morons, but alas, it would appear that we will not bear that cross alone. Welcome fellow righteous ones. And do not allow those troglodytic, single celled, fecal fornicators to bring you down. We don't either!!!!
Goober picking?? Fecal fornicators?? That just isn't right. hm...
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spoxjox wrote:
bleuwolfe wrote:or that all of your starters fall in love when they arrive on campus..........................could happen we have a lot of temptation walking around.
Nice thought, but they're mostly married.

New member, BYU fan, just checking out the Reb fan board. I'm looking forward to the game. By all rights, BYU should be a two-TD favorite, but we have a habit of underperforming against teams east of the Mississippi. Hope we don't fall flat this time...but in any case, it should be a good game. Looking forward to it. At Texas the following week, so our game against Ole Miss will set the tone for the next few games, if not the whole season.
anyone who thinks that BYU will be a 2 TD favorite has never stepped foot in the MS Delta anytime within one week of Labor Day. And anyone who thinks that the astroturf will be anywhere less than 140 degrees and 90% humidity without any Breeze at all on the day we play is burying his head int he sand. I can promise you only one thing... it will even be too hot for the beautiful coeds to sit in the stands in the shade wearing sundresses and halter tops. Notre Dame played us in late Sept early Oct and half the team was getting IV's on the sideline at halftime. (Joe Montana was one of em). Trust me it will be Brutal on that day. the only other thing I can assure you is that your underwear will be soaking wet before halftime from sweat like you have never known. The only advantage we will have on this day is we live in it and you are visiting it. Your team will be lucky to score 2 Tds on this day. Remember we play Defense in the SEC Other conferences talk about defenses we perfected it. I only hope we can score enough points to outscore you. Anyone can beat anyone in that kind of heat. don't talk trash you can't back up with more than stats...Stats don't mean much when your playing in an oven.
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chucky _38

I think I can speak for the Great majority of Mormons and say, Alcohol consumption will "not" offend us, we understand and respect the rights of others.

For those who may not know BYUs football history and tradition here is a little trip down Memory lane with some of BYUs Greatest QBs.
Gifford Nielsen, Mark Wilson, Jim McMahon, Steve Young, TY Detmer, Steve Sarcisian, John Beck, Max Hall, and now Jake Heaps.

Click Below
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvDp1NrN ... re=related

I thought you Guys might get a kick out of the post of the day on Cougar Board here is the link

Click Below.
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cougarclaw wrote:Howdy Rebs, Another BYU fan here.

Excited to see our boys in blue come to play in the SEC. Hope the game is a good experience cause we'd probably like to schedule a few more. and listening to all your talk of humidity, sounds an awful lot like how BYU fans talk about opponents coming to play in the mountains. So will it come down to altitude conditioning vs. sweat conditioning? I like our chances with that one.

and BYU isn't that good anyways. You guys are best just overlooking us completely cause we probably won't even be able to run the ball. And we don't like to pass. ever. and our guys are all slow, white, and old. We're basically talentless. you could probably beat us with 9 guys on the field...blindfolded. but at least each and every one of our 4 wives is SMOKIN hot! :lol:

Cougars have a few message boards. My favorite is cougarcorner, feel free to drop by and jaw a bit with us.
I don't think anyone is going to be guilty of overlooking BYU...too many people have respect for BYU to do that.
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BYU DUDE wrote:chucky _38

I think I can speak for the Great majority of Mormons and say, Alcohol consumption will "not" offend us, we understand and respect the rights of others.

For those who may not know BYUs football history and tradition here is a little trip down Memory lane with some of BYUs Greatest QBs.
Gifford Nielsen, Mark Wilson, Jim McMahon, Steve Young, TY Detmer, Steve Sarcisian, John Beck, Max Hall, and now Jake Heaps.

Click Below
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvDp1NrN ... re=related

I thought you Guys might get a kick out of the post of the day on Cougar Board here is the link

Click Below.
Oxpatch you're a star!
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Over look BYU? I don't think that will happen. We can't over look Jacksonville St. I do think we have enough talent to play a great game with them but to over look them would be the dumb *beep* move of the century.
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Chucky_38 wrote:I hope this doesn't come off as a dumb or insensitive question, cause I don't mean it that way at all...but I've known two Mormons my entire life and both of them were greatly offended by alchohol consumption. Do you guys think that will be a problem? Cause there will be a ton of booze in the Grove.

Just wondering...I will be there and I plan on inviting as many BYU fans as possible to our tent for food and drink and I don't want to offend anyone while downing my brew.

Ours will be the tent with the college football fight songs blasting from it by the way...I've even got BYU's on there come to think of it.

Chucky, while not all BYU fans are member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon/LDS), most of us that are LDS are not offended by people drinking alcohol. As long as you don’t taunt us or make fun of us for not drinking, have at it.

I am really hoping that I will make it to the game, and if I do, I’m looking for your tent. Just don’t try to spike my Dr. Pepper, that’s not funny!

Should be a great experience to come and visit the Ole Miss campus. I’ve visited some others and fully expect to meet both classes of fans. Every school in America has the very polite and enjoyable fans, and also what I call the JV fan base (most the student section), that are rude and obnoxious.

Even though Provo is far away, don’t be surprised to see a large BYU fan base, assuming we can all get tickets.


Just kidding, of course. I grew up Southern Baptist where "Thou shalt not drinketh alcoholeth." was the unofficial 11th commandment. And for the record, I don't drink at games either (only at home) and the vast majority of Ole Miss fans will respect your choice. And that strange smell wafting all over the stadium? It ain't hot dogs or BBQ...it's bourbon whiskey. A smell which I associate almost exclusively with Ole Miss Football.
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Drink all you want, just save me some food! I have NO problem with anyone drinking...I just don't drink myself. At some football games I have encountered raging drunks who I have been annoyed with but that is because they are annoying and not because they drink, I think everybody, drinkers and non, have been annoyed with these people at one time or another.

I will definitely be finding your tent!
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Sasquatch wrote:YOU DON'T DRINK?!?!??! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Just kidding, of course. I grew up Southern Baptist where "Thou shalt not drinketh alcoholeth." was the unofficial 11th commandment. And for the record, I don't drink at games either (only at home) and the vast majority of Ole Miss fans will respect your choice. And that strange smell wafting all over the stadium? It ain't hot dogs or BBQ...it's bourbon whiskey. A smell which I associate almost exclusively with Ole Miss Football.
And all these years I thought that smell wafting over the stadium was frat-boys' after shave...
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bleuwolfe wrote:
Oxpatch you're a star!

Hardly. More like a victim of my own snarkitude and willingness to hold forth on topics which might be best left alone. But alas, I'm simply unable to lay off the high fast ball. Much like Merrill Hess, "Felt wrong not to swing."
L. S. WHO?
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Hagar wrote:
Goober picking?? Fecal fornicators?? That just isn't right. hm...
L. S. WHO?
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Chucky_38 wrote:I will be there and I plan on inviting as many BYU fans as possible to our tent for food and drink ...
Hmmm, I am 100% an Ole Miss fan but I happen to have a BYU shirt from last time I was in Utah... Maybe I should wear it if I can score some free food... I wonder if it would seem odd to anyone if someone with a BYU shirt was cheering for Ole Miss...
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JustBlues wrote:
Chucky_38 wrote:I will be there and I plan on inviting as many BYU fans as possible to our tent for food and drink ...
Hmmm, I am 100% an Ole Miss fan but I happen to have a BYU shirt from last time I was in Utah... Maybe I should wear it if I can score some free food... I wonder if it would seem odd to anyone if someone with a BYU shirt was cheering for Ole Miss...

if the Rebels are winning it won't 8)
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Are all Rebel fans this polite, or is it just this board? Serious question.
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