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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:08 pm
by RebelConvert
Hagar wrote:
olemsdave76 wrote:unfortunately, UPD has taken the language of the Alcohol Policy (unattended alcohol shall be considered distribution in violation of this policy. Alcohol left unattended or in plain view may be confiscated) to mean they may search unattended coolers, i.e. those without locks.

Not saying they are right in this interpretation, but they do it.
It is my understanding that the locks don't matter... it is unattended Coolers that they go for. I had a buddy who got his locked cooler confiscated at his tent which was unattended. The neighboring tent saw the whole thing and this was the explanation that was given for the "bust".
Do they have nothing better to do than look for coolers to take and tents to raid? Sheesh. :roll: